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new logo and obsessive compulsive fabric disorder

Okay, so I'm gonna try to find poplin, but if I can't, I'm just gonna try to find a cotton fabric that's as similar as possible. I'll have to go to the stores and just squeeze a bunch of fabrics. I'm pretty certain I'll know the fabric when I see it. IT'S KIND OF LIKE LOVE, FABRIC SHOPPING.
Mmm. And tomorrow I'll be drawing and hopefully later this week I can get to writing.
I have to study too, ugh. But I feel more productive lately? IDK. I gotta go clean the flat again on Wednesday but one day at a time, yeah? I'm just excited about the cosplay, as well as GoingG SLIGHTly MADDDDDDDDdd.  But that's my brain for ya. Tomorrow I'll practice the voice, oohoh.


Okay, so the website has beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnn kind of a failure on my part. I got stuck, okay? But NOW I think I have a design in mind so bear with me (harhar). Not that I've been drawing much lately. Ugh. But I've done a few things.
Other than the fact that I NEED TO GET TO DRAWING ASAP, I also have 10000 stories to write and a cosplay to fix. I need to make a shopping list for that. Ahhh. The goal was to do one thing per week but you know me. Tho, since today is Sunday, what better day to do all the stuff I've been procrastinating? I think it's time I started being more productive. Tomorrow I think I might venture to the fabric store and all my days off will be spent cleaning, sigh. Physical labour. 

Either case. I'm getting things done this time. I hope. Prayer circle I'm not a hopeless case.

more cosplay madness

okay so what I need to buy tomorrow:
1. more spray paint because I suck at painting
2. steel thread
4. shoes
5. thread because you never know
what I need to do tomorrow:
1. shoe covers
2. sai to completion
3. style the wig
what I need to do on wednesday:
1. decor
2. wash my hotpants
3. pants for damian and shirt
4. clean
5. touch ups
6. panic
7. pack
what I need to pack:
1. cosplays
2. make up
3. regular clothing
4. charger
5. wallet
what I need to make sure:
1. cat is fed
2. technological shit shut off
3. bills are paid
dear god

Working on some samples and such

They're not turning out like I want them too. Too messy and uuuuuugh IDK about the angles and shit but. I'll keep trying until I feel good about them. Sigh. I'm so out of it, lately.

hanna writes a short story

He wanted to think it was because he loved her.
Why else would he go to such lengths? Such extremes? The things he had done for her, the lines he had crossed were such he had never thought himself capable of. Everything she asked he had done because he loved her and maybe, he supposed, so she could love him. Or just like, would be alright, too. He wasn't really that picky. Just being in her presence or thoughts, just a brief consideration that flickered through her mind every now and then, would satisfy him. He thought that once, a long time before her brown eyes and long, pointy fingers -- like claws on a ghost, a monster under his bed -- he had been someone else. Someone completely different from the man that was standing here with the axe in one hand and container of gasoline in the other.
He hoped he had been.
Not that it was important now or like he could even remember. It didn't matter. That was a time long dead and buried. Nothing before her mattered and so he did not waste much time thinking about it. It would only hurt, in the end.
''How much do you love me, Christopher?''
An ungodly amount. Enough to swing an axe to a man's head; enough to sever his limbs and put them into a plastic bag, enough to pour gasoline all over his house and light it on fire. Enough to burn his life, his home, every memory, to the ground. The man in the house seemed a nostalgic one; photographs lined every wall and there were trinkets, rubbish, on every little crooked shelf. Things that seemed unimportant to him, to a stranger, but which appeared to hold some sort of sentimental value. Perhaps, he ponders, the stranger in the house is a hoarder. Was a hoarder. As all his life and the things that made him who he was burn into little sparks of embers, climb to the sky like drunken fireflies, all that is left behind as proof of him is ash. Not that it matters.
''How much do you love me?''
Too much.
Enough to lose sight of everything. Enough to forget himself, lose his person in the chaos of chemical reactions and physical responses. He never did believe in love, which is why she seems so insanely important now. Because she matters, because she matters so much that everything else ceases to. It must be love, anyway. No matter how hard he tries he can't bring to mind anyone else he'd do such incredible things for. Such awful, wretched things. Can't think of the last person he killed for. And it's kind of strange, because all his life every person he met told him that love was kind. That love was beautiful and right and pure and good. Nothing about this seems good, or pure or wonderful. It seems wrong. Tainted. This wasn't what he was promised by films and poems and songs, it wasn't like any of the love he saw in others or what they told him in their stories. It wasn't at all what he had seen in their eyes. It was something far darker and far stranger, and most certainly, this love was unkind.
But it is love. This he knows, surely. Perhaps more surely than anything else. He can't really be certain of anything anymore; even his own name seems unimportant. All that is important is her approval. Her praise and grace. All he asks for is that when her mouth calls his name it will not sound bitter or foul. She doesn't have to love him, though that would be nice; she just has to acknowledge that he exists, and be alright with this.
''How much do you love me, Christopher?''
All too much. And not nearly enough.
He wanted to think it was because he loved her.
Why else would he go to such lengths? Such extremes? The things he had done for her, the lines he had crossed were such he had never thought himself capable of. Everything she asked he had done because he loved her and maybe, he supposed, so she could love him. Or just like, would be alright, too. He wasn't really that picky. Just being in her presence or thoughts, just a brief consideration that flickered through her mind every now and then, would satisfy him. He thought that once, a long time before her brown eyes and long, pointy fingers -- like claws on a ghost, a monster under his bed -- he had been someone else. Someone completely different from the man that was standing here with the axe in one hand and container of gasoline in the other.
He hoped he had been.
Not that it was important now or like he could even remember. It didn't matter. That was a time long dead and buried. Nothing before her mattered and so he did not waste much time thinking about it. It would only hurt, in the end.
''How much do you love me, Christopher?''
An ungodly amount. Enough to swing an axe to a man's head; enough to sever his limbs and put them into a plastic bag, enough to pour gasoline all over his house and light it on fire. Enough to burn his life, his home, every memory, to the ground. The man in the house seemed a nostalgic one; photographs lined every wall and there were trinkets, rubbish, on every little crooked shelf. Things that seemed unimportant to him, to a stranger, but which appeared to hold some sort of sentimental value. Perhaps, he ponders, the stranger in the house is a hoarder. Was a hoarder. As all his life and the things that made him who he was burn into little sparks of embers, climb to the sky like drunken fireflies, all that is left behind as proof of him is ash. Not that it matters.
''How much do you love me?''
Too much.
Enough to lose sight of everything. Enough to forget himself, lose his person in the chaos of chemical reactions and physical responses. He never did believe in love, which is why she seems so insanely important now. Because she matters, because she matters so much that everything else ceases to. It must be love, anyway. No matter how hard he tries he can't bring to mind anyone else he'd do such incredible things for. Such awful, wretched things. Can't think of the last person he killed for. And it's kind of strange, because all his life every person he met told him that love was kind. That love was beautiful and right and pure and good. Nothing about this seems good, or pure or wonderful. It seems wrong. Tainted. This wasn't what he was promised by films and poems and songs, it wasn't like any of the love he saw in others or what they told him in their stories. It wasn't at all what he had seen in their eyes. It was something far darker and far stranger, and most certainly, this love was unkind.
But it is love. This he knows, surely. Perhaps more surely than anything else. He can't really be certain of anything anymore; even his own name seems unimportant. All that is important is her approval. Her praise and grace. All he asks for is that when her mouth calls his name it will not sound bitter or foul. She doesn't have to love him, though that would be nice; she just has to acknowledge that he exists, and be alright with this.

''How much do you love me, Christopher?''
All too much. And not nearly enough.

To Do List

  • Finish Kellie's ornithological picture collection
  • Make front page image
  • Make a smooth outline for SW
  • Script writing
  • Draw it
  • Read
  • Write
  • Draw
  • Read
  • Write
  • Clean
  • I'm sure there's something more to do here
  • Keep it up
  • Oh, I remember now, you're supposed to do that blog thing, remember that
  • Okay, but I'm still sure there was something more
  • jfc, there's always something more. What do you want me to do?
  • Idk, remember it, maybe? Just a suggestion
  • Hey!
  • Draw
  • Write
  • Read
  • Own it
  • Live it
  • Love it
*proceeds to refresh tumblr*

rip my hair i'm so tired of it


progress! finally.

made some major dialogue changes. but hey. pat on the back for me!

I like potatoes

So here's what I've been doing lately. I really need to get something done for the website design but Kellie sent me some PDFs on anatomy and I had too much fun.

Other than that I spent hours at the fabric store, yet did not find what I was looking for. But I got some black fabric so I'ma get to sewing... soon. I'm dividing my cosplays into steps to keep it easy to focus on.

I also decided to switch to making the webcomics all digitally, to save time.  Need to think of a title for SW. Ah.
But tonight I'm gonna go out and creep on teenagers until they feel uncomfortable. One of the joys I've discovered about adulthood. Maybe later this week I'll tell you of the comic expo. (Or maybe I'll get some work done.)

Dare to dream!
All my love.


Lot going on, hence my lack of updates. Ya'd think that's when I'd update the most but I kinda got distracted. Working on a cosplay again, right now making a mask for it. Have to go buy some  more white paint though, I dunno. We'll see. Papier Maché is not a kind mistress.

Other'n that I've been working on my project SW (character ^) and uuuh. Got 9 pages so far, so, yay, me! I like it, more than I like my other stuff, anyway. Working out some issues with the story, making reference sheets and thinking of making a cardboard miniature of some city areas. Ah. I feel good about it, though. Need a new name for it.

I started painting again. Water colours this time. Going better each painting. I really like the soft serenity of water colours. Subtle and kind of dreamy, in a way.

WIP, but I'm liking how it's turning out so far.

So, to be concise: I am working on one web comic, I have started painting, I am making a mask for my Cheshire cosplay and I'm going to Uppsala Comix convention on my birthday. I'm also discussing a redesign of the website with Kellie! So that's exciting. Stuff happening! Hope I can get some stuff done soon.

Excited to see my old comic book art teacher on Sunday. Bought some books on drawing and design. That's pretty much it. Time to apply for Uni very soon.

And my favourite comic book couple got engaged! Yaaaaaaaay! Celebratory doodle!

That's about it from Bear Fighter Land right now.

Have a great one, folks.

Project 1 done

Project 2 uhm. A WIP.

SW part 1 started. Four pages drawn, a few more written. Uh.

Behind on comics.

Thinking up new design of website (and failing.) Shall discuss with Kellie later.


Brain dead.

That is that.

Getting stuff done

(No idk why I spelled metaphor with tow r:s)

This here is a little sneak peek of one of my own bearfighter projects, the one called SW, which I actually got to work on (finally). I have two modest pages so far but. I am writing a script aaaand... working on the secret projects (two of which are done). Waiting for my internet to get repaired.

I got a web hotel for my website, finally, and Kellie was gonna see if she could make it so that I can update it myself. This will be neat. I wasn't intending to draw yesterday so it just kind of happened. Uh. Otherwise I don't have much to tell you. I spend a lot of time reading comic books an drawing.
Considered buying some paint. To branch out, you know. But we'll see. So many mediums, so little time in a day.

Okay, bad at updating

But not a terrible lot has been going on. I've been very busy with my cosplay but now it's done so before I get started on anything new I can summarize what I've done so far, besides that.

Well. Not a lot. I can't really talk about most of it because two of my projects are secret but I'm gonna devote a lot of my time to those now. I can tell you more about it when it's done. Other than that my own Bear Fighter projects haven't had any attention from me but I was thinking of putting an hour or so aside each day for them, as well.

I dunno whether AJ should get my attention, I kind of rekindled my inspiration for it when browsing through the pages I've done so far. Otherwise I'm thinking of doing this other project, let's call it SW, but it lacks a coherent story right now. I have a bunch of ideas but Kellie and I agreed I should work on two at a time and AJ has a slot already. So I'll have to look through my stuff and decide.

But I think I'm going with SW because it's taken up a lot of my thoughts the past... five years. Okay, so maybe it's time SW got the attention it craves.

Other'n that. Uhm. I have lots to practice and dunno where to start. As usual. I... should definitely write more. You know, these hobbies don't sound like they take up a lot of time but they do. One good picture can take many hours and a chapter, depending on how inspired you are, around 3 hours or more. A page with panels takes even longer. I was also thinking of making a bag since I have some fabric over from the cosplay.

Competed three times this winter. Woah. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I'm not very interesting, really. I had school that required a lot of my time and mind and now work requires a lot of energy and time. When I get home I usually end up comatose on the couch and for that reason a lot of things have not been done.

I also have like 40 comics to read and my concentration is so horrible and my reading fixation is just really slowing me down so that takes a lot of time as well. It's kind of frustrating because I used to read lots of comics each night before and now I feel like I climbed a damn mountain if I read one. So obviously I'll devote a lot of time to reshape my behavioural pattern around reading.

But. Yeah.
Work on projects 1 and 2 first and foremost.
Read, write and then work on AJ and / or SW at least 1 hour a day, respectively.
There ya have it, folks.

Another one of the numerous plans I always end up ignoring.

and further such progress

also fabric. and other stuff but my comp is slow so yeah.

Short update because fuck dang, this internet is slow.

So I've been working on this:
So my fingers look like this:

and stuff

I ordered the vest, the wig and bid on the gloves today! Yaaaaay! Cosplay progress! And tomorrow, or the day after depending on how reluctant to meet the outside world I feel, I'll go buy some stuff for the glove thingies, belt and mask. Then week after I'm gonna go and buy the rest of the fabric. WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM

Also, I'm a total fucking idiot who forgot to apply for the spring semester! Fuck yes, shit for brains!
Let's hope I don't completely fuck up my finals tomorrow and then I can spend the spring trying to suck less at stuff and then in the fall study again.
My next goal is to become a responsible adult and skilled person overall. I dunno. Just. Just sucking less and being less of an idiot would be nice. I'll make that my 2012 goal or whatever.

sewing and such

so I'm doing pretty well on the tunic, just gonna sew it together and later on do the R, I think I may use the same båack fabric on the cloak as i have some left. typing on phone, hence fuckery.
then asap order wig n boob thing n gloves(?) go look atsecond hand for boots. buy craft foam at same time. tiny bags + mask n fabric. rly just buy all buyable stuff at same time, like any time before weekend.
then make gloves + belt + mask, hopefully before christmas. sew cloak n pants. goal is to do the crafty things before 20th.
what worries me is the boots. hmm. gonna.make a list, decide on a day, buy the stuff. then do one thing st s time, i guess. optimistic deadline is 20th. optional deadline 30th.
go go!

I did it

Said I'd do it and I did it. I finally finished the strip after what must be almost 19 hours.

If this looks like crap I don't think I have it in me to really care at the moment. Right now I just want to go to bed. LOL NO WORK TO BE AT.

Now if I just fix Odessa I'll be done. Holy hell, I feel insane.

The strip my computer tried to kill.

Uhm. That's an explosion. Just FYI. Also clouds first panel. /lolwhatisthisevenIdon't

something something clever title

So I think I'm going with Washington, Vega and then either Odessa or the new image, depending on how it looks later on. Then the boom strip, a page from the trio comic aaaand... I dunno whether to just dig something up or draw something new. I do have an old script lying around that I could illustrate. Hmm. All I know is that is has to be completed tomorrow. Then some writing. Reading. Other things that I may do on Thursday or Friday.
Aaaaand I really need to go to bed.
Spent all night watching the X-Files again. ''One more episode''. Pshyeah right.