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I am the builder of walls (of text).

Here's what I did when I was a young and bored.

So, got two new pics up. Drawings. Whatever. One I'd been sitting on for a few weeks (months?) and the other was sort of half-finished so I fixed it yesterday before school. Got the urge to draw a Sinatra portrait, then realized I had some tuts to check out, then I realized I have almost no papers left. I'm going to finish some portrait(s?) for a friend before I do anything else, though. I have some in mind, but drawings, much like stories, never really turn out as planned. Sometimes for  the better, though. Anyway.

Since I finished pt 1, I'm going to sketch out the pages in a notebook or something, fix some mistakes most probably - ''There is no such thing as a perfect page'' - then get to drawing it today, hopefully. I'm saving the A4 papers for the portraits, but if those turn out to be crap I'll just somehow fit them all on an A3 without it looking weird. Before any of this, though, there's some Chinese I've got to study.

Zaoshang hao! Wo jiao Hanna. Ni jiao shenme mingzi? Or something or other. And no, I don't have the proper accents on my keyboard. Look, I'm learning, alright? What I should practice is... well, several pages, actually. But we have one more week on chapter 1, so I think it'll be... fine? Well? Ah, we'll see. Point is.... Point is study now, then draw, then draw more.

It'd be nice if I could stop positioning myself next to besserwissers all the damn time, though. I get it, you probably just want to help, but I prefer learning from the actual teacher because, surprise, your pronounciation isn't very good either. I don't care if you can pronounce this particular thing very well. I know how to do it, okay? I'm not deaf. If I had one skill, it was ''hearing and learning''. I don't care if you're the Master of Linguistics. I barely appreciate friends correcting me (and I know they do it out of love), and I do not appreciate it from strangers. Okay? And why are you only ever correcting me and not the other one who can't pronounce, well, almost anything? Why me and only one sound? It's just... very unclassy. You're not my teacher. I already have a pronounciation / practical usage class, I'll learn there. I'll learn from any other way but from you. Thank you, that is all. /end rant

I keep thinking Nightwing came out the 9th when it really  comes out, like, 23d, so I keep disappointing myself. I think YJ ep 11 comes out then as well. Hehehheeeeeee. Kind of sad I'll have to wait until October for the #1 issues I could not buy in store to be released digitally, but oh well. I just really want to read those so I can find out which titles I want to subscribe to. DCnU is turning out to be popular. Maybe a little too popular. I guess, worst case, I can just subscribe to some titles, buy the rest digitally (and be a month behind everyone else) and then buy the TPBs for the ones I want ''in the flesh''. Rambling again. Uhhhhhhhhh yeah. It does seem like I may be able to get the most important titles, if not as a subscription, as least in flesh. Hmm. Oh well.


When you're out of papers we can go shopping together :D

ANYWAY I've been trying to get a hold of you... and you're nowhere to be found. Fix it!

Kellie WAS HERE 2011-09-14 @ 20:28:03