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Nanananananan Alfred

Haha, wow, ever the busy one, it feels like. I need some sort of technique, like, I could pretend I'm Alfred making the manor all pretty. (I'm trying to figure out whether comic books have finally gone to my head, then I realize I was actually a lot worse before and all of this has probably lain dormant over the months. So, hi. This is me. I remain unapologetic for that.)

So yesterday I ate some sushi and watched some movies with my brother and his gal. Nicholas Tse was awesome in Shaolin, despite the weird mustache. Bumblebee is the cutest thing ever but that didn't make Transformers 3 any less of a shitfest. Horrible Bosses was kinda good. I dunno. I just like Kevin Spacey.

 Since Kellie tells me to use more pictures, here's one from a comic I did mostly for the lulz and was very, veeery lazy with.

I will have to postpone getting the comic books until tomorrow because I'm in the middle of everything. So in a few minutes I'ma go pack all of my stuff down and try to be quick so I can draw something later. Then when I get to the flat I'll see if I'm too lazy to unpack or if I'll just work on AJ instead. Though I should study... Hm.

Well. I'll try to unpack during the weak and sneak at least one page in every now and then, along with the portraits. Though Thursday and all the weekend is workworkworkwork. I'll get off at like, 20.00 or something. So I guess... night time drawing this weekend, some studying and unpacking whenever.

Aggh. Remind me to pick up prelaunch Batman, JLA and Bruce Wayne: The Road Home.
That is all of now. Ghsuaihsd. My thoughts are so disorganized, it usually helps to think out loud or write it down but there's just so much at once. (''Hello, Megan!'') This is all so messy. Sorry for that. It's messy inside too. Ahhhhhh messy messy gotta go pack and organize this shit up.

You already moved? :c I wanted to help! What are you doing wednesday? I'm done at school by 12!

Kellie WAS HERE 2011-09-26 @ 13:36:48