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Crapola, I completely forgot

That I spoke to a girl crossplaying YJ animated series Robin at a convention. Thanks to the help of a dear friend I got into contact with her (after fangirling in a corner) and we've been speaking via text a little. The cosplayer and her friends are starting a cosplaying group for Young Justice (''but anything DC is good'') the animated series. I decided on which character I wanna do, as I wanted to do something from the show since that was the original plan. And since Black Canary, a long time fav, has no pants and Robin, my absolute favourite of all time, was taken I decided on Jade Nguyen, aka Cheshire.

Comics Jade:

So, thankfully, YJ!Chesh has pants. Seeing how comics!Chesh has a child (had a child? Is Lian's death still canon?) with Roy Harper, aka Red Arrow/Speedy/Arsenal it'd be fun if someone chose to cos or cross him. If anyone does Lex (whom I may or may not have a crush on) I'd be forced to try to kill him, though. But oh well. We're probably go for next year, so I've a bit of time to make the get-up. The mask will be a pain in the ass though. But it'll be fun. Other than Chesh, I'm thinking of doing a YJ-Robin or Nightwing pre-relaunch crossplay outside of the group. Or a Rose Wilson Ravager, but that feels a bit complicated for now.