Today I've been drawing.

Because I'm miffed about the airing date on the new YJ. Also procrastination. Studying? What is this studying you speak of?
I drew Clark!

Originally just wanted to draw his silly curl. Which is the reason I always have for drawing Clark. He was supposed to get his hair ruffled by Diana / Wonder Woman in that original plan, but then I had to use a reference pic because it looked fucking stupid and the dude in the pic was all ''lookit mah muscles!'' so then the pose got weird and then I thought --
And then Dick / Robin was gonna be saying something and what he was saying would be the source of Clark's pouty face, but now he just kinda looks like he really hated American football. Hmm...
Eventually gonna colour this. When I have my computer back.

Tidbits of what I did when I wasn't all lazy and shit.

Yet another spur of the moment ''no script'' thing I just did for the fun of it. Was kind of missing these characters so just... put them in a room together.

A bit from the current Bear Fighter project, which I have been referring to as AJ. Here's Julian being all bemused.

Lolololololol my buildings will never cease to amaze me. I need to like, take my pad and just go out and have an entire day drawing buildings until at least one doesn't look like I made it up while trippin' on acid.

I fucking hate inanimate objects. I will conquer them, some day... some day.

Dunno if I'll ever finish this. At first I wanted to draw Starfire but then it kinda... turned into something else.

I need to fix her elbow, bum and her lower legs. But I have a colour scheme in mind for it if I ever get around to it.

Talking and stuff.

Jump, bitches!

I love him and his silly hat and... the doodles on his fur. Lolwut?
From my notebook
Just a little peek in what my notebooks normally look like. (Though the giant octopi kidnapping women and talking burritos are strangely absent in this one.)

Bored during recess.

Bored during the Signs of the Week Walkthrough.

Numbers and a bit of AJ design musings. Holy inability to draw inanimate objects, Batman!

Bored on the commuter train. Also yay: gymnast shoes!

Realized I rarely attempt to draw Batman. My favourite part with this is the shiny spot on his cowl.
Well, this was fun. Maybe I'll dig up something more for later.
Outfit Thursday

I only studied a little and read some comics. The new 52 still make me kind of sad, but there's just no beating the good feeling from a nice comic book. So, it was a day well spent. Wasn't very productive though, I dunno where my pencil is. But one thing at a time, I s'pose. In the words of Count Vertigo: ''There will be another day.''

Headcanon, you are my best friend right now.
Tim Drake's hair is funny. Too funny. I can't focus on much else about Teen Titans because... would you just look at his hair?
Justice League Dark = YAAAY JOHN! Aaaand then not a lot of John. And then a lot of ''wtf, Clark, you're vulnerable to magic. Or is this not common knowledge anymore? I don't know. I've not read Superman #1 yet.'' also: WHERE IS CLARK'S SILLY CURL? No. Seriously. First you take Floyd Lawton's adorable, stupid mustache... and now Clark's silly curl, too?
And. That's all, so far. Or, wait, no. I'm not too sure, as I'm kind of almost halfway through TT#1, but is this Bart? If so, what... what happened to his continuity?
As much as I'm fangirling and getting all giddy and happy here, I keep having this feeling that the reboot is going to break my heart in so many ways. So many bad ways.
A lot of things... I don't know. Change is one thing. You're asking me to embrace a great deal of change to something I've known and loved for years. Stories I've taken to heart and that mean so, so much to me. And change it.
I'm sorry but. I'm still not over the Titans thing. Or the Kory thing. Or the age thing. I'm...
I'm going to sit here and pretend none of the bad things are happening and hold on to the old ways with all my tiny might.
Reboot, as much as I like you, sometimes I really fucking hate you, too.
Eh. I'll take the good and for the bad, I'll pretend the rest never happened.
What matters still stands, so. Whatever. Still. Giving me a lot of WTF NO Y ?! moments here.
That's my hero.

Welcome back, dear. I missed your crazy ass flips and your silly lines. I missed you a crazy lot. Sure, I had you as Batman... but this feels more like you now. Alive and bright, just like I remember you.
In other words: the art is beautiful, the writing is great, the pacing is fantastic, the dialogue amazing - am I running out of adjectives yet? - and just... Dick, you sly bastard. Taking out the lights, getting your night vision on and kicking some serious ass. I love you, you crazy circus brat. This was dynamic from page #1 and a comic has never felt shorter.
It's good to have you back. It really is. Haaaaaa, I'm just... I love this. I do. If Nightwing can't make it better, nothing can. I don't even care about them changing your age of adoption, or age of debut, I don't give a shit right now because you're back and you're you and I almost forgot how much I love this.
Welcome home, Mr. Grayson.
Lame post is lame.
Ah. Now that that's settled. Fair warning here: No one is going to care about this. You have been warned.
One thing I really liked on twitter was when Gail Simone got the hashtag #comicsdidagoodthing going. If one looks, there are some articles online which quoted some of the tweets and it was... It was great to read. Because it gave a sense of communicty. And it kind of felt like another step towards proving ourselves as fans, proving the medium as legit - even though it shouldn't need more support than its own merits.
And I dunno. I just got to thinking. You can be sick and tired of me ranting about this, but you know. Too bad. Because it's a big part of my life and a big part of who I am. It goes far beyond entertainment and it goes far beyond amusement and art. It's about comfort, solace, friendship, lessons learned, realizations. And I loved seeing how many good things comics have really done; they've brought people together, inspired hope, courage, determination, forgiveness and given strength and escape to a lot of people who really needed it.
This is ranty. Here's me in my Wonder Woman shirt looking like a junkie. (Which, to be fair, beats my usual child molester-look.)

I may come off as a little... extreme at times. As I said, I'm a passionate person. I rarely lock onto something but when I do, I give it my all and even more. I don't love often but when I love I love whole-heartedly. And I am glad that I do, because it's given me so much. I'm not going to keep this very long, as I am much too tired and not really... certain of what to say. I do not quite know what I want to convey, because it is hard to explain something that is based on feelings. You can't... explain feelings in the way they need. Not fully. It's like retelling a good story or describing a painting. Something always gets lost in the translation.

See what I mean about the child molester-stare?
All I know is that... I find a lot of good in this. It's hard for an outsider to understand. Fine. I don't really care if you understand. I just felt like sharing. Explaining something. It makes me feel love, it makes me feel joy and encouragement and is always an inspiration and lesson that I can do better. I can be better. Reminds me that no matter how many galactic threats are upon you, you can make it. Especially Dick Grayson has taught me never to give up and never to lose yourself no matter what happens. It's a trait of his I have always adored - despite his many hardships, he always bounces back. If he loses his laugh or his silly jokes, his nerdy references or outright childish shenanigans, he never loses them for long. And it's a strength I find amazing, and inspiring.
#comics do good things every day. Sometimes it's killing time, sometimes it's inspiring creation, entertaining the bored, moving the listless, sometimes it brings people together, mends bridges, sometimes it encouraged the fearful and sometimes it cheers up the gloomy.
Sometimes, it's just nice to have a hero.
Angry rant is angry.
Know what fucking gets to me each and every time?
There. That's my rant. Have a nice day, you bastard.
I don't really know what the hell I'm saying right now. It's 1 am, I'm stressed out of my skull, I'm tired, I'm hungry. But I always regarded fandom to be a place where you were supposed to be welcomed, where you were supposed to be kind of safe and among kindred spirits. Sure, you may not share the same views, but you solve that by simply ignoring the person. But of course not. People are people and as such, most of them will be douchebags.
And I fucking hate it because there is no fucking reason to be that rude. And it pisses me off that I care so much but soooorryyy if I come off as I do. But you don't know the fucking story. You don't know me, you don't know my goddamn reasoning and you have no right to patronize me. Shit, I don't know why I'm even... this is pointless, but I need to vent.
So sorry if I freak out like a mountain ogre when something threatens something I love very much. I'm sorry that things that are important to me are - you know - important to me. I'm just... I'm speechless. I am never ever fucking speechless. And I just. Wow. I've... I never take it personally when people I don't even fucing know are rude to me. I mean, I don't care but this... This actually kind of hurts.
And maybe I'm silly or stupid or pathetic or I don't even fucking know, any degoratory adjective you can think of. Fine. I just care a lot, and I freak. I'm a passionate person, I'm enthusiastic and my mind... You should come visit sometime because if there is one thin I can do, it is imagine the worst case scenario and freak about it. Because I like to be prepared.
All I wanted was some goddamn civilized fucking discussion. Not a childish fucking ambush. Not a planned set-up for maximum hurt-effect, you fucking bastard. I'm just... I'm sorry. I don't even know. I don't even fucking know.
I don't appreciate assholes. Not here. Not now not ever about this. And the worst part is I can't even defend myself because I'm going to sound like... well, now. And I do not want to fight with you because unlike you I am not a fucking douchebag. I do not want to disturb a place where I feel like I can connect with people, like I have something in common with them.
So. So just... Just fuck you. Anonymously. With a goddamn fucking cactus farm.
There. That's my rant. Have a nice day, you bastard.
Brain maps should be sold.
Every time I'm on the subway now I wonder if people think I'm insane. They look like they think I'm insane. Though I'm pretty sure I met a real deal crazy guy last night.
You know that wide eyed, about-to-pop-out-of-the-sockets, tiny pupil, gon'murderyou crazy stare? Yeah, I got that. Fucking twice. By this huuuuge guy and... I wasn't even looking at him, at first, maybe something in the ceiling and he just goes Joker eyes on me. A while later he looks at me again with that same look in his eyes and that time I had been staring at my own damn hands.
He is going to fucking murder me.

So, yeah. I've been working a lot and sleeping little so I haven't drawn a lot. If... like. Anything. But I'm getting to it. This week looks pretty calm, although I have to study like an idiot because I kind of dropped everything and it's time to catch up. Self-discipline, where are yooooou?
In any case I've mostly been writing. Was a loooong time since I sat down and put some effort into it, and it's great to feel that kind of inspiration. I dunno. It's crazy and I'm tired and I dunno. I just have to pull myself together and then get it all going again.

I spent like, all night - which was all that was left because I practically fell asleep as soon as I got home - making ringtones and text message tones for my new cell. So now I want you all to go crazy so I can hear the tones many, many times. Like, I may never pick up the phone ever again because my tone is too awesome.
I even kinda dreamt about that sound editing program.

Oh yeah! Seems like most people were excited about my superhero avatar thing. So now when I have a part of the DCU in my contact list, communicating is a lot more fun. I tried to base most of the decisions on personality -- F is a creepy, creepy person so she got to be The Creeper -- Kellie is ditzy and loud but BAMF at what she does, so she got to be Miss Martian -- etc. But I still have a lot more to fill.
But yah. That's all from the bear fighting world right now. Time to go kick some grizzlies in the snout.
Some stuff I like.

Kellie did the same thing some while ago though I cannot find the individual post. So I wanted to do the same. Here's a pic of some stuff I like. From left upper corner: boots, a hat, my teddy (coincidentally an ice cream box lid and the box for my new cellphone happened to get in the picture, but I guess I... like ice cream and my phone too so), shirt, Robin, Chinese book for practicing Chinese characters, a box from a temple with a bead bracelet in, a mythology book, Philip K Dick's Flow My Tears The Policeman Said (my fav by him is actually Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? but that one is not in my possession), Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club, Nightwing, How To Survive A Robot Uprising, leather gloves, a pencil (here it servers as a symbol for drawing and writing), a beer, a mannequin (symbol for drawing), The Forbidden Kingdom, The Breakfast Club, Robocot, Nordstedt's French-Swedish Dictionary and my cat wanted to be in on it too, and I like my cat so. Here's some of the many things I like. Why? For fun.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you, post office, it was I! I was the problem but now I am with my babies!
Yes, my shirts from arrived. I am loving it.
Yes, my shirts from arrived. I am loving it.
I am very tired so I will sum it up in pictures.
So much to doo, so much to dooo. Need to study and clean and do that thing and order and send that and gah. Need to read mostly. Here are just some of the comics I have yet to read:

Great picture, I know. But I'm getting my cellphone sometime... soon? I guess? So then I can take pictures of everything.

So, drawing. Am slow on AJ because... because hush. But I'm writing (and I can barely do that because I'm tired and fuuuu there's no time, anymore) but I am working on this other thing right now, so every other drawing project takes a step aside until that is finished.


I need to go shopping. This is puny and embarrassing. Fffffff.
Merry Christmas to meeeee!

Or well, I got my Christmas gift from Bipsycle!

Now I just need to actually buy some food to keep in it.
Look at him, he's so happyyyyyyy! Teeehee. Time for me to go Christmas shopping soon, I suppose!
Look at him, he's so happyyyyyyy! Teeehee. Time for me to go Christmas shopping soon, I suppose!

Am working on the thing. It's too much fun, I don't know why I don't do things all the time. It's also very educational. Speaking of educational I should study so I stop fucking up so fantastically and terribly. Pfffff. I want to go on a shopping spree at Åhléns. Cups and platters! Woooo! Eh. I will probably be busy the entire week but I will try to squeeze things in. Like the thing I have such plaaaaans, I want to work on them. So far plan A is on, next I think I'll do plan B (depending on how lazy I am) and then plan C which I need my comp for but I am really excited about it and I considered plan E but I dunno. Lazy. Anyway. Uhm. Yes. There are things going on creatively. Woo!
I'm only productive when I'm not.
I have a project. It is almost finished. I blame it on creepy conversational topics with a friend. I am very excited.
This wasn't what I was supposed to be doing. But uhm. I'll get to the rest eventually.
This wasn't what I was supposed to be doing. But uhm. I'll get to the rest eventually.
Can't decide whether I want to show this or not.
Eeeveryone's going to NYCC, aren't they? Of course, bored, I was checking flights to wherever. Remembered NYCC, saw that I could fly to New York for like, 6000 SEK, roughly. Of course Jim Lee is coming. 600 isn't a loooot of money. Trying really hard not to book a flight. Checking out hotels. Ffffffffffffffffffffff. But no, I won't have recieved my paycheck by then. ARGHHHHHH.
I was planning on saving money so I could go in two years. Give me enough time to get some pocket money. (Like, all of the pocket money.) But uhm. Yah. Maybe not booking for this year but really considering if I should go next year and the year after. Or maybe SDCC? Fffffffffffffff. I think I will look into a comic con trip in 2012. Anyone wanna go with me?
I was planning on saving money so I could go in two years. Give me enough time to get some pocket money. (Like, all of the pocket money.) But uhm. Yah. Maybe not booking for this year but really considering if I should go next year and the year after. Or maybe SDCC? Fffffffffffffff. I think I will look into a comic con trip in 2012. Anyone wanna go with me?
This is what I'm talking about, baby
Whereas Catwoman #1 felt more like a bad fanfic, along comes Batman #1 and really exceeds my expectations. It feels fresh, it feels cosy and most of all it seems interesting. It's sort of like a flash back to the old Batman TAS I'd watch as a kid (and teenager) and I must say, I love it.
Usually it takes a lot for me to read something with Batman on his own in it, I usually need a strong supporting cast. I love Batman as a family member, but on his own he's gone stale and repetitive during the last years. Boring, if you will.
It was always the villains or his family that lifted him up, but this time... This time he makes it on his own and it's fantastic. I can hardly argue with this issue. Alright, so yes, I hate Riddler's new design with the passion of every star in the galaxy. Buuuuuut there were Bullock, Two-Face (looking amazingly Two-Facey yet not gimmicky), Dick, Damian and Alfred being awesome. Everything... except Riddler was perfect.

Batman was a brighter version of himself. Still Batmanny but... not as soulcrushingly depressing. A younger Bruce, I guess. It really feels like everything it was promising to be. They even got me there in the beginning. ''What is this?!'' I thought. ''Joker can't... he's not that good a fighter. What the fuck. Is this their new fresh perspective?'' and then WHAM!GOTCHA!HAHAHAH! and it all made sense, much unlike what this very sentence is doing right now.
It was just... all the little things, yanno?
And the ending? I had read there would be a ''twist'' but I actually felt shocked. Excited to say the least! And now I get to read Nightwing #1, teehee.
So many lovable quotes and conversations in this and the dynamic between everyone is just wonderful. I really love the way they go about telling the story with the art, too. And Jim Gordon's and Batman's little gossiping session, bvaaahahah.
''Tell me he's not using facial rec for the party.''
''The party? He's using it to remember who you are, Drake.''
So now when I read that one I've got nothing to do in-between calls. It's a slooow day at my job today and waiting for people to call is kind of boring. I guess I'll... uhm. Hell, I dunno. I just know that this was one title which feels like it actually delivered and like the New 52 managed to keep at least one of its promises. Can't say the rest for all of 'em, but I'm only into week four so far and determined to give them all a chance. At least 5 issues, I reckon.
Unless, yanno, some are so fucking boring I can't stand 5 issues, in which case I guess I'll drop them at 3 because of the two-issue-cancellation-time-thingie. But out of the new 52, I can say so far that Birds of Prey, Batman, and Justice League International have been real gems, while Deathstroke and Green Lantern was alright. Batman & Robin was nice, too, but nothing heartstopping. I really don't care much for Catwoman or Blue Beetle, but I have Nightwing left as well as 6 new issues I picked up sooooo... That's... I think that's like, half of them.
But Batman was the best, so far. So.
Yeah. I think I need a new category. Rant over. Over and out.
Usually it takes a lot for me to read something with Batman on his own in it, I usually need a strong supporting cast. I love Batman as a family member, but on his own he's gone stale and repetitive during the last years. Boring, if you will.
It was always the villains or his family that lifted him up, but this time... This time he makes it on his own and it's fantastic. I can hardly argue with this issue. Alright, so yes, I hate Riddler's new design with the passion of every star in the galaxy. Buuuuuut there were Bullock, Two-Face (looking amazingly Two-Facey yet not gimmicky), Dick, Damian and Alfred being awesome. Everything... except Riddler was perfect.

Batman was a brighter version of himself. Still Batmanny but... not as soulcrushingly depressing. A younger Bruce, I guess. It really feels like everything it was promising to be. They even got me there in the beginning. ''What is this?!'' I thought. ''Joker can't... he's not that good a fighter. What the fuck. Is this their new fresh perspective?'' and then WHAM!GOTCHA!HAHAHAH! and it all made sense, much unlike what this very sentence is doing right now.
It was just... all the little things, yanno?
And the ending? I had read there would be a ''twist'' but I actually felt shocked. Excited to say the least! And now I get to read Nightwing #1, teehee.
So many lovable quotes and conversations in this and the dynamic between everyone is just wonderful. I really love the way they go about telling the story with the art, too. And Jim Gordon's and Batman's little gossiping session, bvaaahahah.
''Tell me he's not using facial rec for the party.''
''The party? He's using it to remember who you are, Drake.''
So now when I read that one I've got nothing to do in-between calls. It's a slooow day at my job today and waiting for people to call is kind of boring. I guess I'll... uhm. Hell, I dunno. I just know that this was one title which feels like it actually delivered and like the New 52 managed to keep at least one of its promises. Can't say the rest for all of 'em, but I'm only into week four so far and determined to give them all a chance. At least 5 issues, I reckon.
Unless, yanno, some are so fucking boring I can't stand 5 issues, in which case I guess I'll drop them at 3 because of the two-issue-cancellation-time-thingie. But out of the new 52, I can say so far that Birds of Prey, Batman, and Justice League International have been real gems, while Deathstroke and Green Lantern was alright. Batman & Robin was nice, too, but nothing heartstopping. I really don't care much for Catwoman or Blue Beetle, but I have Nightwing left as well as 6 new issues I picked up sooooo... That's... I think that's like, half of them.
But Batman was the best, so far. So.
Yeah. I think I need a new category. Rant over. Over and out.
I should never be a professional reviewer because:
Captain Marvel being all adorable and, even though there was no Black Adam, there were MONSIEUR MALLAH AND THE BRAIN AHDGUIHDFUIGHDFHU
And Robin and his made-up, silly little words
(Yes, I drew some today.)
Slow Saturday.
I sketched up the third page of AJ last night, then I had to go to bed where I proceeded to be until way past 5 am when I was supposed to get up. Tonight is studying and, if I'm good, new YJ and chocolate ice cream. Could probably draw some, depends. And I got some of my comics yesterday!
''And Stormwatch...''
''... ooh?''
''Are you expecting Superman?''
''... I... dunno... There... there are so many... I just... kinda picked a lot and figured I'd check them all out and drop the ones I don't like and uhhh... I don't even know what titles I subscribe to, anymore.''
''Yeah, you have a gang, here.''
Not even I know. I just get pleasantly surprised. Not so much about Flash now when they brokemyheart fucking removed Wally. My Flash. Pfffffffffff. But I'll give it a shot, if it sucks I'll just drop it and buy a paperback. Stupid Barry. I mean uh. Yeah.
Drinking watered out coffee, thinking up a plot for comic projects and wondering how fast a cow is. Also need to figure out where the laundry room is.
''And Stormwatch...''
''... ooh?''
''Are you expecting Superman?''
''... I... dunno... There... there are so many... I just... kinda picked a lot and figured I'd check them all out and drop the ones I don't like and uhhh... I don't even know what titles I subscribe to, anymore.''
''Yeah, you have a gang, here.''
Not even I know. I just get pleasantly surprised. Not so much about Flash now when they brokemyheart fucking removed Wally. My Flash. Pfffffffffff. But I'll give it a shot, if it sucks I'll just drop it and buy a paperback. Stupid Barry. I mean uh. Yeah.
Drinking watered out coffee, thinking up a plot for comic projects and wondering how fast a cow is. Also need to figure out where the laundry room is.
fucking hell, I'm this - close to throwing up, I tell you. Wow. Is it just me getting older or did I simply forget how fucking awful it is to be sleep deprived this badly? I've gotten used to 8 hours, 6 hours works but then I pass out on the couch when I get home (and I used to need 10 hours, no more, no less, or I'd be a murderous douchebag all day, with a semi-functioning brain, to boot) but this. Fffffff. Wow. I have no idea how I survived high school when I'd average 3 hours a night.
And this eating thing. Mmmm my brain works somewhat now after a sandwich. Gonna eat some chocolate and down my second (of what I assume to be a half liter of) coffee from 7Eleven. Don't think the coffee is good for my stomach but yuhuidfhgfd. Comic book store, comic book store.
It's kind of crazy and kind of calm at the same time here. I would be so awesome as a cyborg. Wow.
Okay. Breathe. 3 minutes left of my lunch break.
When I get home I'll most likely pass out on the couch. But I will try my hardest (lolyahrite) to do something productive like studying or drawing or whatever. Sunday my big comp is getting put together so I can get to the art, ifyannowhatImean.
And this eating thing. Mmmm my brain works somewhat now after a sandwich. Gonna eat some chocolate and down my second (of what I assume to be a half liter of) coffee from 7Eleven. Don't think the coffee is good for my stomach but yuhuidfhgfd. Comic book store, comic book store.
It's kind of crazy and kind of calm at the same time here. I would be so awesome as a cyborg. Wow.
Okay. Breathe. 3 minutes left of my lunch break.
When I get home I'll most likely pass out on the couch. But I will try my hardest (lolyahrite) to do something productive like studying or drawing or whatever. Sunday my big comp is getting put together so I can get to the art, ifyannowhatImean.
Maybe it's not lack of concentration.
I've been really slow on reading my comic books here, some of them at least. It takes like 20 minutes for me to read one, and I usually get hung up on the art and rereading stuff because yanno. But I've been reaaally struggling with some of them this week. At first I thought it was just my concentration, like Blue Beetle for example. I spent forever on it; I got a few pages into it, put it down, left it alone for a day, picked it back up, read, took a break, read it through. I felt like a coked up loony, wondering what was up with my brain. I had the same issue with Catwoman and... some other title, I don't even remember. (I do subscribe to quite a few.)
Yesterday, on my way home from school, I picked up Birds of Prey and I read that baby like a breeze. So I started thinking maybe the problem isn't me, maybe it's the comic book itself. I've read a few reviews here and there and most of them seem to be in agreement and I dunno if I've been biased here but man. I like to give the titles a chance, I know one bad issue doesn't doom the entire series, so I'll wait and see. But it seems Blue Beetle #1 is really... Wow. I don't even know.
I'm working on 1,5 h of sleep, one small and one large cup of coffee here so. Not going to be very coherent. I'm also kind of pissy and dunno when my lunch is. Okay, make me really pissy. I could stab someone and eat them. That Ludacris song (moooove, bitch, get outta the way!)
Uh. Fff. Was supposed to be a reviwey thingie here but uhm. I... hate Black Canary's new outfit. It is really fucking stupid and she looks like a fucking bee. A prostitute bee. I also hate ... I hate Slades stupid fucking... armor thing I agghhhh. A lot of the new costumes. And Paco is stupid and so much stupid I... dhuihfuidsg. I look forward to Nightwing because it's Nightwing and I heard a lot of good about it.
Also looking forward to swinging by the comic book store after work today.
That is all.
Yesterday, on my way home from school, I picked up Birds of Prey and I read that baby like a breeze. So I started thinking maybe the problem isn't me, maybe it's the comic book itself. I've read a few reviews here and there and most of them seem to be in agreement and I dunno if I've been biased here but man. I like to give the titles a chance, I know one bad issue doesn't doom the entire series, so I'll wait and see. But it seems Blue Beetle #1 is really... Wow. I don't even know.
I'm working on 1,5 h of sleep, one small and one large cup of coffee here so. Not going to be very coherent. I'm also kind of pissy and dunno when my lunch is. Okay, make me really pissy. I could stab someone and eat them. That Ludacris song (moooove, bitch, get outta the way!)
Uh. Fff. Was supposed to be a reviwey thingie here but uhm. I... hate Black Canary's new outfit. It is really fucking stupid and she looks like a fucking bee. A prostitute bee. I also hate ... I hate Slades stupid fucking... armor thing I agghhhh. A lot of the new costumes. And Paco is stupid and so much stupid I... dhuihfuidsg. I look forward to Nightwing because it's Nightwing and I heard a lot of good about it.
Also looking forward to swinging by the comic book store after work today.
That is all.
it is a family matter though, innit?

I'd like you to listen up now, because this is important.
So as usual I've been strolling around the fandom and as usual, it leaves me partially weirded out and partially with that warm and fuzzy feeling only a sense of belongng brings you. Because it is a community and even though fans are like humans (that is, some are assholes, some are freaks, some are adorable, some are boring, some are wonderful, etc) it's still sort of like a family. Of course it is, I mean, it's a community. You share a common interest with thousands, millions maybe (?) of people. And that sort of community is something I treasure, a lot. You may not agree with every fan opinion or their ships, maybe most of them freak you the hell out, maybe you'd love to stab half of them, but it's the sense of unity here. You can't beat that. I know the us vs. them mentality is bad, but this isn't like that. This isn't us vs. them, this is just us.

So strolling around the fandom sites I come across a lot of emotion and a lot of devotion to characters. I come across a lot of love. There's passion and heart here and, naturally, wherever that is opposition is sure to follow. Surely, a lot of people find it pathetic to care so much about these fictional characters. Creepy, lame, childish, stupid, whatever. Beloved child bears many names and all that. The thing I wonder here is; do these people, or, let's for the sake of simplicity pretend you are this person; do you like movies? Books? Songs? Poetry? Theatre? Fairy tales? Because what all these have in common is that they tell a story. They are mediums with which to convey a series of events that happen to fictional (and sometimes real) people. This is what comics are. A medium. And just like with books and movies and all of those things, there are genres. Every comic book isn't silly or dumb just like every movie isn't, every comic isn't about a specific thing just like every movie isn't say, a thriller or a comedy.

I'm not trying to be presumptuous here, but this is the general vibe I get from a lot of the haters or people who just look down on it plain and simple. I'm not asking you to love what I love, I don't really give a fuck what entertains you. I'm just saying, because I feel like both views need to be seen about this. Yes, I and a lot of other people do care an aweful lot about people who are not real. But that's the thing; comics are stories just like a lot of other things. Humans use stories, have used them, forever. As escapism, as learning, as keeping people in check, as making rules, as making sense, as comfort, as entertainment, as a lot of things. And you know what? Any good story makes you feel for the characters. That's what it's about. A good story makes you care. If it didn't make you care about what takes place in it, it has failed its purpose. Of course I know none of these people are real. Do I want them to be real? Hells yeah. But I know they're not. But they're real to me in an emotional way. I read their stories, I care about their hardships and victories because I care about them. Because a good story makes you care.

Maybe it does make me a freak. But that probably makes you a freak too. Stories that make a change or impact, if yet small, are the stories that make me love the artistic ability of humans. It's one of the things about our species that makes me happy. Because stories have inspired people for ages. They provide us with so much, sometimes it's the inspiration to be the best that you can be no matter what, sometimes a story provides you with the simple thing that is amusement. We need amusement, a lot of us need escapism, imagination. Entertainment is what keeps Jack from becoming a very dull boy.

Now, carving a lightening bolt into your forehead for the sake of fandom is crazy. I agree. Too much of a good thing is bad. But that applies to everything. There are two extremes, of course there are. People are people and they will behave as such. But in this type of situation people tend to forget the middle ground. Us folks here who just really love something and are not going to apologize for it or be ashamed for it. Why should we? I could write so much about this but I suppose no one really cares. But I care. And I just felt I needed to drop my two cents about this subject. You may not share my tastes, but come on, don't tell me that you wouldn't want this one thing that at the end of the day makes it all a little better? Whether you just want a good laugh or to kill time, or if you find deeper meaning in your fantasy world. Maybe you find inspiration or comfort or encouragement, maybe it's the community itself of being part of something bigger, of being connected to your fellow human beings. For all our fighting and disagreements, there is a common ground where we can meet. There are so many things I love about comics I don't really know where to begin. For the moment, I'll just conclude this blog post by saying that despite it all, comics always make me want to go:

And if that makes me a freak, then darn it, a freak I shall be.
''Well get traught or get dead.''
''How can you be so calm about this?''
''Practice. I've been doing this since I was nine.''
In other words, so worth the wait.
Holy shit
I haven't finished watching the episode yet, but I've got these few things to say about it:
1) Wow. I've nothing against Supermartian, IDGAF, really. But do they need to suck faces all the fucking time?
2) Babs was in this, which is neat. Even if I'm not a fan.
3) Dick is a BAMF.
4) Robin is a BAMF.
5) This episode is fucking fantastic
6) It's a bit weird Artemis is a clumsy idiot in the entire episode, I mean, she's proven herself at least to be decent previously in the show, so why so dumb now? Not a fav, but the girl's got moves.
7) They seriously made [spoiler] related to [spoiler]? Lol, okay.
''C-O-O-L. Did she W-I-N?''
''We'll laugh about this sometime.''
My shoes!

First of all, my fjong says hello. Now I'm really not fond of today; there are problems with an order my friend and I made for this birthday party, I've got an exam thingie which I'm not properly prepared for, I'm pondering too much and just feeling generaly useless. Good thing then that a nice delivery guy came to my door this morning and brought me my shoes!

Three different shoelaces: white, grey and black with yellow dots.

The... thingie.

The interior.

Right side.

Left side.
Now, normally I don't like Converse, but these are my new favourite shoes. These are fancy occassion shoes right there. I'd love to order a pair of the Flash shoes but they seem to be unavailable for some reason, which is weird because I saw the ad for them in a comic book that came out last week and they've been around since May. So. But whatever. I love my new shoes. I've been walking around in them during the morning and despite ordering a size 6,5 when I'm more close to a 7,5, they fit.
Tonight I should... draw and stuff. I'll do that but first thing when I get home is to put on some tea and watch the new YJ ep which is supposed to have a lot of Robin in it.
That's all for now, really.