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That's my hero.

Welcome back, dear. I missed your crazy ass flips and your silly lines. I missed you a crazy lot. Sure, I had you as Batman... but this feels more like you now. Alive and bright, just like I remember you.
In other words: the art is beautiful, the writing is great, the pacing is fantastic, the dialogue amazing - am I running out of adjectives yet? - and just... Dick, you sly bastard. Taking out the lights, getting your night vision on and kicking some serious ass. I love you, you crazy circus brat. This was dynamic from page #1 and a comic has never felt shorter.
It's good to have you back. It really is. Haaaaaa, I'm just... I love this. I do. If Nightwing can't make it better, nothing can. I don't even care about them changing your age of adoption, or age of debut, I don't give a shit right now because you're back and you're you and I almost forgot how much I love this.
Welcome home, Mr. Grayson.