Read A Comic Book In Public Day
First time hearing about it, or well, reading about it on twitter. I decided to join in and hastily grabbed the first comic I could find that was not a heavy TBP, then put it in my handbag for later. Granted, this is not the most public surrounding but I had a lot of errands and don't really get out much. This is on some street in the outskirts of Stockholm, after we went visiting my grandparents. I asked dad to take a picture of me as I read the first page. Then we had to go check out my campus, but I read more when he went to buy food.
So no sharing the love with strangers, but next year I figure I can read on the subway or something. I read All-Star Batman & Robin The Boy Wonder #2, by Frank Miller and Jim Lee, by the way. Not fancying the writing, mostly in it for the art. Some humoristic lines, sure, but that's about it in the writing department. Anyway, speaking of writing, I should go work on my script.
Well, whaddya know? I actually got 8 pages worth of writing done. (It adds up to a bit above 2K, so not that much of an accomplishment but more than I've written in a long time.)
I'm trying to get it done as I'm really excited about drawing this.
The tuts will have to wait a bit as I'm much too lazy busy right now. Though I keep wanting to make a little crack comic, but I'm trying to keep it as a carrot for finishing Pt 1 of the script. Meh. It's too hot to work.
Also, school starts in two days andIamfreakingoutohdearwhyamIfreakingoutit'sjustschool
I'vebegunschoolonsveraloccasionsI'vebeenthenewkidlikeabajilliontimes and the fact that I need a job is still present so I dunno how much time I'll have over for the projects later on. Anyway.
I'm being fairly productive, though most of yesterday was spent dilly-dallying and raging about pointless things.
Ah. Oh well. I have tea so I think I'll get to writing now. I was a bit bitter to realize the main character and his sister were a lot like how I usually portrait females and males, but I thought it fit the characters, I like them this way so I'll let it slide and try to break the pattern next story. (If I even want to break it. I mean, it could kind of be like my signature. Meeeh.)
So. On with the show!
I'm trying to get it done as I'm really excited about drawing this.
The tuts will have to wait a bit as I'm much too lazy busy right now. Though I keep wanting to make a little crack comic, but I'm trying to keep it as a carrot for finishing Pt 1 of the script. Meh. It's too hot to work.
Also, school starts in two days andIamfreakingoutohdearwhyamIfreakingoutit'sjustschool
I'vebegunschoolonsveraloccasionsI'vebeenthenewkidlikeabajilliontimes and the fact that I need a job is still present so I dunno how much time I'll have over for the projects later on. Anyway.
I'm being fairly productive, though most of yesterday was spent dilly-dallying and raging about pointless things.
Ah. Oh well. I have tea so I think I'll get to writing now. I was a bit bitter to realize the main character and his sister were a lot like how I usually portrait females and males, but I thought it fit the characters, I like them this way so I'll let it slide and try to break the pattern next story. (If I even want to break it. I mean, it could kind of be like my signature. Meeeh.)
So. On with the show!
Alright. By the computer. MS Word is on it. Peter Jöback in my speakers. Good. Now... now to write.
Alright. This... I'm a bit rusty, here. I've not written in months. Or well, I did write that script but... ARGH.
First, what to write? Desert or time travel?
Time travel. Alright. Uhm. Okay.
[dumb staring at the screen]
I can't even write a proper blog post. How am I supposed to write a script?! What's happening? I need a full synopsis. So far I have a beginning, some parts of the middle and a piece of the ending in my mind. But the in betweens... the in betweens are the hardest. UUURH. I need a sketch.
You know, school starts Monday and I thought I'd swing by this comic book store and ask them if they're taking in the DCnU titles and if I could make a list to pre-order and this reminds me I should apply for my student grant and....
Writing? Crap. Alright. Writing. Words. Coherent sentences? Damn.
[dumb staring at the desk]
Quick update.
I hate when you make a picture and you know there's just something off with it, but you can't tell what it is. Like it looks fine, really, the proportions are right, no one else can see anything that sticks out... and it just looks weird for some reason. Gah. Anyway, not what I was here to talk about.
I want to do some paintings, try out some tutorials and so. But dunno when I'll have the time. I thought maybe I'd make a big piece with combined tuts and post the attempts on here. And if there are any tutorials someone could recommend, please do so! I enjoy learning new things and tutorials are great for that. Even if it doesn't look like the tut and even if you don't adopt every tip in it, some tips that fit your style stick with you. Learning from others and then taking the bits you like and making your own thing is the best approach, I think. First there's imitation, then dissassembly and reassembly, finally the finished product is something new. Add a touch here and there.
I'm not really sure what to do this week, though. I have to write some scripts, draw some panels, finish some portraits, practice with some tuts and I'm not sure which to do when. I'd like to write the scripts tomorrow, it feels like a good day to write on. At the same time I kinda wanna draw but at the moment I'm much too tired. I dunno. Maybe I could do the tuts this Saturday?
Because the sooner I finish the scripts the sooner I can get to the comics and that's really what I should be doing. I also wanna finish my Robin fan art. Gah! Time! You know what? Tonight I think I'll just read and roll around the internet, then tomorrow load up on caffeine and write like a mad person. Then Saturday I'll do some panels (if the script allows it), and also some tutorials. Then Sunday I can focus on the panels completely.
Oh, I'll try to make a page a day but we'll see how that goes. Anyway, I was supposed to add a picture to this post but I'm kinda lazy right now. So you'll get a picture of one of the chars for one of the comic ideas.
New and improved.
So if you were here earlier you may notice a slight change. Well, slight is a bit of an understatement. My friend Kellie designed it so it doesn't look like pastel horseshit anymore! Woop! I love it. I made a quick and very uneven bookshelf drawing and the header with all the heads in it. The rest is her work.
Nice, huh? Thanks a lot for the help, Kellie!
Guess what?
I just had an idea.
My new blog header!
So, not a huge difference, but still a difference. What do you guys think?
This was, surprisingly, a lot of fun to paste together.
Maiden voyage. (Let's try not to do a Wasa, eh?)
So, this it the blog. Finally. Someplace to put my nonsensical ramblings about everything from here until morning. This is mainly to follow the Bear Fighter project, my website where I'll put some stuff I drew and try to put up some comics. One of my main interests is comics and making them has become a new passion for me.
As of now I'm still trying to get things organized. Providing material for the gallery, writing scripts, getting my characters in order, trying not to OD on caffeine, so on, so forth. I mainly do drawings with mechanical pencils, not any special kind of lead but I find HB to be my favourite so far. I am new to inking but I'm trying to squeeze in more of that, it's a lot of fun. Also a novice with Photoshop, so most of this is my journey from newb to ... something better. I guess.
Catch y'all later.
As of now I'm still trying to get things organized. Providing material for the gallery, writing scripts, getting my characters in order, trying not to OD on caffeine, so on, so forth. I mainly do drawings with mechanical pencils, not any special kind of lead but I find HB to be my favourite so far. I am new to inking but I'm trying to squeeze in more of that, it's a lot of fun. Also a novice with Photoshop, so most of this is my journey from newb to ... something better. I guess.
I'm sorry, I'm reeeaally tired and sore. I'll make something more coherent later. But yeah, I've been drawing for all my life but it's very recently that I've been interested in trying out other techniques and colours and tools.
The dream is to one day go professional. Until then, here are my... attempts?
Also, the blog is undergoing design. It's in the birth phase as of now.
Catch y'all later.