Alright. By the computer. MS Word is on it. Peter Jöback in my speakers. Good. Now... now to write.
Alright. This... I'm a bit rusty, here. I've not written in months. Or well, I did write that script but... ARGH.
First, what to write? Desert or time travel?
Time travel. Alright. Uhm. Okay.
[dumb staring at the screen]
I can't even write a proper blog post. How am I supposed to write a script?! What's happening? I need a full synopsis. So far I have a beginning, some parts of the middle and a piece of the ending in my mind. But the in betweens... the in betweens are the hardest. UUURH. I need a sketch.
You know, school starts Monday and I thought I'd swing by this comic book store and ask them if they're taking in the DCnU titles and if I could make a list to pre-order and this reminds me I should apply for my student grant and....
Writing? Crap. Alright. Writing. Words. Coherent sentences? Damn.
[dumb staring at the desk]