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Well, whaddya know? I actually got 8 pages worth of writing done. (It adds up to a bit above 2K, so not that much of an accomplishment but more than I've written in a long time.)
I'm trying to get it done as I'm really excited about drawing this.

The tuts will have to wait a bit as I'm much too lazy busy right now. Though I keep wanting to make a little crack comic, but I'm trying to keep it as a carrot for finishing Pt 1 of the script. Meh. It's too hot to work.

Also, school starts in two days andIamfreakingoutohdearwhyamIfreakingoutit'sjustschool
and the fact that I need a job is still present so I dunno how much time I'll have over for the projects later on. Anyway.

I'm being fairly productive, though most of yesterday was spent dilly-dallying and raging about pointless things.
Ah. Oh well. I have tea so I think I'll get to writing now. I was a bit bitter to realize the main character and his sister were a lot like how I usually portrait females and males, but I thought it fit the characters, I like them this way so I'll let it slide and try to break the pattern next story. (If I even want to break it. I mean, it could kind of be like my signature. Meeeh.)

So. On with the show!