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Quick update.

I hate when you make a picture and you know there's just something off with it, but you can't tell what it is. Like it looks fine, really, the proportions are right, no one else can see anything that sticks out... and it just looks weird for some reason. Gah. Anyway, not what I was here to talk about.
I want to do some paintings, try out some tutorials and so. But dunno when I'll have the time. I thought maybe I'd make a big piece with combined tuts and post the attempts on here. And if there are any tutorials someone could recommend, please do so! I enjoy learning new things and tutorials are great for that. Even if it doesn't look like the tut and even if you don't adopt every tip in it, some tips that fit your style stick with you. Learning from others and then taking the bits you like and making your own thing is the best approach, I think. First there's imitation, then dissassembly and reassembly, finally the finished product is something new. Add a touch here and there.
I'm not really sure what to do this week, though. I have to write some scripts, draw some panels, finish some portraits, practice with some tuts and I'm not sure which to do when. I'd like to write the scripts tomorrow, it feels like a good day to write on. At the same time I kinda wanna draw but at the moment I'm much too tired. I dunno. Maybe I could do the tuts this Saturday? 

Because the sooner I finish the scripts the sooner I can get to the comics and that's  really what I should be doing. I also wanna finish my Robin fan art. Gah! Time! You know what? Tonight I think I'll just read and roll around the internet, then tomorrow load up on caffeine and write like a mad person. Then Saturday I'll do some panels (if the script allows it), and also some tutorials. Then Sunday I can focus on the panels completely.
Oh, I'll try to make a page a day but we'll see how that goes. Anyway, I was supposed to add a picture to this post but I'm kinda lazy right now. So you'll get a picture of one of the chars for one of the comic ideas.