something something clever title
So I think I'm going with Washington, Vega and then either Odessa or the new image, depending on how it looks later on. Then the boom strip, a page from the trio comic aaaand... I dunno whether to just dig something up or draw something new. I do have an old script lying around that I could illustrate. Hmm. All I know is that is has to be completed tomorrow. Then some writing. Reading. Other things that I may do on Thursday or Friday.
Aaaaand I really need to go to bed.
Spent all night watching the X-Files again. ''One more episode''. Pshyeah right.
My head: where coherent thoughts go to die.
So. Hi. Yes. I have stuff going on. Indeed. Finally something to file for projects!
This precious thing, right here. ^

First up: the premier of my Nightwing shirt! (I will practice smiling like a non-sex offender with the cold, dead eyes of a killer some other day. Shut up. I'm very busy.)
Going to do something for a competition, as well as this other thing. I don't know how it will go, I would assume I'm up against well... a lot of fantastic people. But whatever. You've got to try, right?
Aannnnd uuuuuuh. Also cosplaying project with my friend.

This precious thing, right here. ^
We're going fabrics shopping soon and i'm trying to arrange so I can go two full days to the con in Jan. I should make some plans, really. Maybe tonight. But also work on stuff. I MAKE A LOT OF SENSE ALWAYS OKAY.

Psssh yeah of course I had to make a piece.
Then tomorrow is writing and reading. As I always say. But whatever. I'll stick to it this time. I'm putting the computer buying on hold until after Christmas, y'know, sales and shit.
And uuuuuuuuuuh. That's all for now. Here's Pandora's latest shenanigans:

... I don't know what's on my nose. Could be blood. Could be food for all I know.
I must be coming down with a cold. Every muslce in my entire body is completely exhausted and useless. I sleep all the time and I'm still terribly tired. I guess maybe last night didn't help, as I laid awake panicking about life and everything. Then I bathed in some general anxiety at the subway. Calmed down and now I'm at work, feeling like every bone in my body has been pulverized.
I'm just freaking out about my life in general.
''Life is locomotion. If you're not moving, you're not living.''
Barry Allen inspiring me to do what I want to do, even if it might be slightly stupid and reckless. My brother said I'm young and supposed to be moving about all over the place. I don't want to get stuck in one place. No place is ever really it, you know? Neh. I'm just talking crazy again.
It's just. It's all so limited. We're all dying. This is all so very pointless. It's big. Huge. We're... we're supposed to do something, right? But what? And how?
''At some point you have to stop running from something and start running towards something.''
You have to keep the faith. You have to do something with your life. Be relentless. Because those who succeed are those who never gave up, no matter how much something sucked. Stagnation is the enemy. Is it alright in youth to run aimlessly? To run just to run? If you run enough, do you arrive somewhere? Or do you just land far off the map? ''We slave, then expire.''
So what do you want to do with your life? Do you even know? If you know, how will you do it? What will you do if you fail? Or is there no point to having a plan B? Maybe one should stop thinking about the possibility of failure. Stop thinking about the consequences if you make a wrong move. Think of what you want to do, where you want to go, and go there. Make a plan and go there.
I don't want to wake up one day to realize I've stopped. To realize I've done nothing but trample water. If you were to ask me today what I do with my time, the answer would be ''I get up, go to work, go home, eat cereal, go to bed. Repeat.'' That's not what I want my entire life to be. I want to do what I want to do. I want to try. I want to make something I can be proud of, remembered by. I want to make something worthwhile.
Who cares if people get upset or hurt or whatever. This is my life. I get one. I have to get it right.
Right? We're not supposed to waste this.
Gosh, I'm really getting tired of having an existential crisis every time someone brings anything life-related up.
I'm just freaking out about my life in general.
''Life is locomotion. If you're not moving, you're not living.''
Barry Allen inspiring me to do what I want to do, even if it might be slightly stupid and reckless. My brother said I'm young and supposed to be moving about all over the place. I don't want to get stuck in one place. No place is ever really it, you know? Neh. I'm just talking crazy again.
It's just. It's all so limited. We're all dying. This is all so very pointless. It's big. Huge. We're... we're supposed to do something, right? But what? And how?
''At some point you have to stop running from something and start running towards something.''
You have to keep the faith. You have to do something with your life. Be relentless. Because those who succeed are those who never gave up, no matter how much something sucked. Stagnation is the enemy. Is it alright in youth to run aimlessly? To run just to run? If you run enough, do you arrive somewhere? Or do you just land far off the map? ''We slave, then expire.''
So what do you want to do with your life? Do you even know? If you know, how will you do it? What will you do if you fail? Or is there no point to having a plan B? Maybe one should stop thinking about the possibility of failure. Stop thinking about the consequences if you make a wrong move. Think of what you want to do, where you want to go, and go there. Make a plan and go there.
I don't want to wake up one day to realize I've stopped. To realize I've done nothing but trample water. If you were to ask me today what I do with my time, the answer would be ''I get up, go to work, go home, eat cereal, go to bed. Repeat.'' That's not what I want my entire life to be. I want to do what I want to do. I want to try. I want to make something I can be proud of, remembered by. I want to make something worthwhile.
Who cares if people get upset or hurt or whatever. This is my life. I get one. I have to get it right.
Right? We're not supposed to waste this.
Gosh, I'm really getting tired of having an existential crisis every time someone brings anything life-related up.
hey yo
Y'know when you just got so much to do, your mind tells you that you don't have to do anything? That's my brain now.
Aw, fuck, I'm all out of tea, too. I should just go to bed. I keep walking around fighting the urge to murder kick the shit out of people. Fucking hell.
''No, bro, I promise, ain't no than you've gotta do''
Well, brain, I'm pretty sure I have something --
''No, man, nothing. Nada.''
There's always something to do. C'man, I --
''I said no, man! Shut the fuck up, grab yo muffin' and go watch the X-Files.''

But I know I need to do a lot of things. Ugh. I'm so unbelievably tired today. Plus I've been eating on the same muffin for three hours, so I'm not exactly hungry, which I guess is good out of an economical standpoint because I realized this month I will be dirt poor. Because of reasons?
And uh. Yeah. Designer contest. Thing. Writing. AJ. SW. Studying for finals. General practice. Read. Y'know, same old, same old. I should really read my comic books tonight. It's just so hard. I need some kind of system.
Aw, fuck, I'm all out of tea, too. I should just go to bed. I keep walking around fighting the urge to murder kick the shit out of people. Fucking hell.
Welp. At least I get to sleep in tomorrow.
Shit, this was going to be productive.

New idea
No time
Gonna do it anyway somehow someday
Probably been done to death
Gonna do it anyway somehow someday
Need to go to bed
damn you, need for sleep
prolly for the better, drawing like shit today anyway.
Christmas season soon.
Already got lights and shit up in the trees down the street from where I work. I hadn't even considered if I had money in my budget for decoration - I had dumbly assumed my decor shit from last year would still be in my ownership but ha ha, now, in hindsight, I can laugh at the naïve foolishness of the past - but I think I still have some garlands.
Though my Christmas tablecloth - which was fucking magnificent, I tell you - is lost to oblivion so. Need a new... what are they called.. advent... candle.. holders... things. Brb google translate. Advent candle stick? Uhm. Okay. Sure. Whatever.

This shit.
And gifts. Oh dear, the gifts. I never buy gifts. Are... are soaps okay? Fuck, I don't even know. Though I'm poor, so I think I should get some leniency here if I buy something kind of shitty. Uh. I kind of want to draw Christmas themed, well, drawings. And uhm. Christmas... short story?
Who are you kidding, you can't be that productive, you're a lazy bum. Make realistic plans.
Well, alright. I'll just wait for Lucia and make saffron buns.

Yeaaaaaaaaah, bitches.
Though my Christmas tablecloth - which was fucking magnificent, I tell you - is lost to oblivion so. Need a new... what are they called.. advent... candle.. holders... things. Brb google translate. Advent candle stick? Uhm. Okay. Sure. Whatever.

This shit.
And gifts. Oh dear, the gifts. I never buy gifts. Are... are soaps okay? Fuck, I don't even know. Though I'm poor, so I think I should get some leniency here if I buy something kind of shitty. Uh. I kind of want to draw Christmas themed, well, drawings. And uhm. Christmas... short story?
Who are you kidding, you can't be that productive, you're a lazy bum. Make realistic plans.
Well, alright. I'll just wait for Lucia and make saffron buns.

Yeaaaaaaaaah, bitches.
speaking only in acronyms like a baws

I kind of see kellie as my manager to kick me in the ass and tell me to stop being lazy and do my shit
And I tell you, people, I am on
I am so on I'm inside
I'm telling you, people, I'm going to be productive and not at all like myself. I AM A MACHINE. One page a day, get working on that shit tonight, after I study like a good adult. 1 hour study, 1 page, 1 comic, each day. Yes. Yes. Ya feel me?!

So little time in a day. But this will work I'll make it work.
Yes. Yes, okay. Let's do this. Let's get started for real.
Procrastinate all the things!
The respective eyes, mouths, noses and on occassion thing-between-nose-and-cupid's-bow-thingies of the characters of a thing I still have no script for. Yes, one of them is a cat.

Though that eye in the bottom left corner belongs to no one in particular. I was just bored.
I just had this idea
Well, reimagining an old idea of mine.
Maybe time management would be a good start, though.
And that's all there is to it.
I do believe dislike of your own work is a good fuel for practice, and a good carrot to try harder. One must not be disheartened by failure, merely strive onwards and rather one should be happy; it is when one cannot improve, when you hit the wall, that worry should set in. A road is usually long and hard when the goal is precious. And that's fine. Perhaps we need to be humble to achieve but at the same time, confidence or perhaps faith is important as well.
I guess when you're displeased, you can do one thing only and that is to improve the object of your displeasure. Seeing a mistake is good, because then you can correct it. When this has been accomplished, a new mistake will rise. And that's fine, too. Resistance is not the enemy of success, it is stagnation one should truly fear. I suppose one can do little more than keep going. And going. As long as you walk, you will arrive somewhere.
''I'll go to bed, it's late and --''
AKA the dangers of getting PS back after two months.

Bitch stole my cookies.

Using black only, or black and just some select, bright colours, is surprisingly fun, I find.
I've been too lazy to log on and write anything. Not that I have a lot to say, really. It's uuhm. Still too lazy to talk about Batman Live. On another note my stationary comp is up and running, so, hey, yay, Photoshop!
I will get to other things, I must get to other things soon. I'm just very... I have poor self-discipline. Okay? I admit it. But I would also like to point out that I have a lot of stuff to do! So. I am going to make myself a to-do-list and a schedule, and this time maybe I could actually follow the schedule, and we'll see how it goes from there.
I was told to update

So here goes. I've been doing nothiing i've been supposed to do. As per usual. My knees are being bitches. It is late and it is cold. I went to Batman Live! I am, however, too lazy to tell you about it right now. I should get to my to do list. I really should. I should have a higher threshold for stress. Oh, well.
How do you eat an elephant?