Adventure time with Kellie and Hanna

Uhm. Not much to say here.

Last one for today, promise.

But it's time for me to move. I dunno when I'll get internet access again so until then!
One of two

See. I've been productive today. Maybe not with things I was supposed to be doing but. Uhm. Yeah. Preview of something showing up at the site. (Fan art mood lately. And Clark is Clark. So. Yanno.)
Well, at least I'm not like those hoarders. That'd been awkward.

I think I'm done now. Which means there are probably a thousand things I forgot.
Nanananananan Alfred
Haha, wow, ever the busy one, it feels like. I need some sort of technique, like, I could pretend I'm Alfred making the manor all pretty. (I'm trying to figure out whether comic books have finally gone to my head, then I realize I was actually a lot worse before and all of this has probably lain dormant over the months. So, hi. This is me. I remain unapologetic for that.)
So yesterday I ate some sushi and watched some movies with my brother and his gal. Nicholas Tse was awesome in Shaolin, despite the weird mustache. Bumblebee is the cutest thing ever but that didn't make Transformers 3 any less of a shitfest. Horrible Bosses was kinda good. I dunno. I just like Kevin Spacey. Since Kellie tells me to use more pictures, here's one from a comic I did mostly for the lulz and was very, veeery lazy with.
I will have to postpone getting the comic books until tomorrow because I'm in the middle of everything. So in a few minutes I'ma go pack all of my stuff down and try to be quick so I can draw something later. Then when I get to the flat I'll see if I'm too lazy to unpack or if I'll just work on AJ instead. Though I should study... Hm.
Well. I'll try to unpack during the weak and sneak at least one page in every now and then, along with the portraits. Though Thursday and all the weekend is workworkworkwork. I'll get off at like, 20.00 or something. So I guess... night time drawing this weekend, some studying and unpacking whenever.
Aggh. Remind me to pick up prelaunch Batman, JLA and Bruce Wayne: The Road Home.
That is all of now. Ghsuaihsd. My thoughts are so disorganized, it usually helps to think out loud or write it down but there's just so much at once. (''Hello, Megan!'') This is all so messy. Sorry for that. It's messy inside too. Ahhhhhh messy messy gotta go pack and organize this shit up.
The life cycle of every one of my drawings.

Before I went and put this on the blog, this comic was Louvre material. (Or, you know, just me being bored with MS Paint.)
For being a bear fighter blog...

It has a surprisingly small amount of bears, so here's Bengt fighting for his kind and the proof that I, once more, forgot how to work that blasted little pencil thingie. Or maybe I'm just a damn good bear fighter and that's why no one's around.
Gotta learn that discipline.


This was the sketching stage. I do not think that the finished picture looks better. Or, well, I made some changes. To the eyes and the head is... taller? Not as flat? uhm. Yeah. Also freckles.
Oh, damn, I was supposed to do this other thing that was not drawing Kid Flash. Riiight.
Göterborg comic... festival... thing
There's some comic thingie in Göteborg in November.My old comic book art teacher will be there. Kind of wanna swing by, see what's up and go find him. I dunno. Maybe. Uh. Anyone wanna go with me to Götet? Though November is NaNoWriMo I think I could take some time to go there. Unless I have to work. Is this what adulthood feels like? Not being able to do fun stuff because you're working and paying bills?

On the same note, apparently the Batmobile will be in Västerås this weekend. Wonder if I can coax my brother to go see it.
Also. Uhm. Uh. What. Uh. I... I uh. I am nervous about my first real shift next weekend. Six new comics are in my folder at the comic book store. That is all.
Crapola, I completely forgot

That I spoke to a girl crossplaying YJ animated series Robin at a convention. Thanks to the help of a dear friend I got into contact with her (after fangirling in a corner) and we've been speaking via text a little. The cosplayer and her friends are starting a cosplaying group for Young Justice (''but anything DC is good'') the animated series. I decided on which character I wanna do, as I wanted to do something from the show since that was the original plan. And since Black Canary, a long time fav, has no pants and Robin, my absolute favourite of all time, was taken I decided on Jade Nguyen, aka Cheshire.

Comics Jade:

So, thankfully, YJ!Chesh has pants. Seeing how comics!Chesh has a child (had a child? Is Lian's death still canon?) with Roy Harper, aka Red Arrow/Speedy/Arsenal it'd be fun if someone chose to cos or cross him. If anyone does Lex (whom I may or may not have a crush on) I'd be forced to try to kill him, though. But oh well. We're probably go for next year, so I've a bit of time to make the get-up. The mask will be a pain in the ass though. But it'll be fun. Other than Chesh, I'm thinking of doing a YJ-Robin or Nightwing pre-relaunch crossplay outside of the group. Or a Rose Wilson Ravager, but that feels a bit complicated for now.
There's a live streaming of YJ like, today, at night and I CAN'T WATCH IT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Eh. They'll prolly live stream the next one(?). BUT STILL, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
/end freakout
Uh. I bought a drawing pad. So... so... Alright. I'ma be honest here. 1) I am in the middle of moving. 2) I just got a job. 3) I have school and homework. 4) I have to sleep and be a wee bit social. So as I see it, I'm not going to have several hours every day to devote right now, but as soon as I get my furniture up and settle into the flat, I can get things going. It's just the moving, it eats a lot of time, you know? Once that's done, I'll have more time for creating. And maybe if I work a lot I can afford to buy some good pencils or whatever.
But yeah. I'll try to make something new whenever I get the chance, but it will be slow paced for a while right now but it will get better.
all in a day's work.
I've never been one of those people in your social circle. I'm always the one requesting the skills of my close ones, never the one being requested. And now I am! It feels fun. Taking is nice, I guess, but sometimes you just want to give, you know?
Procrastination is all the rage, these days.

I was supposed to make some icons and uh.. some other thing which I forgot exactly what it was. But then I went crazy in PS. Because I needed a dose of Lemon and I always enjoy drawing Foxxy's outfits. (Characters from a story of a friend, though the characters are all a collaborated efforts between friends. Uh. Yes. Alright. I made 1,5 pages. I should... should I finish it tonight? I don't feel like I should. I mean, 7 page a week will have to begin tomorrow anyway. Uh. Gonna finish the icons. Then... I can read or watch Batman. I may do both. Because I don't have school tomorrow, heh. Going to Stockholm on Wednesday I think to fix things up. Yah. Time to get busy.
How I feel about backgrounds.

Inanimate objects and our strained relationship.
Yesterday I picked up some of my comic books! Gonna cozy up tonight with some tea and read them, though my concentration has been horribly bad lately. Thinking about what to do for NaNoWriMo. Been saying for two years ''I'll do it next year'' but uh. This October it's just gonna be me and whatever novel I can think of. I have a little idea brewing in my mind but we'll see.
Other'n that... I uh. Uhm. I dunno. I feel overwhelmed.
Should do the rest of the icons today, too. Borrowed the Darkn Knight so I'll have a Batman Night too, I think. Considered having an Asian Movie Marathon Night sometime soon. My brother got a new movie I'm making him watch with me. (''Oh, wow, coooool. Ooh. OOoh... That guy looks like Jet Li but isn't. Hmm. This looks aweso -- is that Nicholas Tse in a mustasche? Neeeh, it can't be he --- OHMYSHIT IT IS!! I HAVE TO WATCH THIS. AHHHHHHHHH.'')
Gonna go in and get the key for the apt this week, I think, and get some furniture put up. Tomorrow is studying like mad. Though I only had to learn the pinyin of some words and I think I've got that down. Almost memorized most of the signs. Oh well. Back to drawing.
Being Whelmed
PS is kind of like a curse and a blessing all wrapped into one. I was working on some icons for Kellie and then I remembered I had some kinda old scans I hadn't fixed yet. Then I got to colouring. Then I got to thinking I should make 3 versions of the same picture. Why doesn't anything turn out like I imagine it, why oh whyyy is there always something bugging me with every picture that's it I am going to devote so much of this weekend to practice. I may or may not have overdosed on YJ as well. So I'm just in a general Dick Grayson mood right now. Tomorrow I pick up two comics, as well. ExpectingtoseesomeDaddyBatsbecauseINEEDITINMYLIFE. I am ashamed to tell you I still haven't gotten to any actual drawing. But I will. Right now I'm just sitting in my Robin shirt and waiting for the bus. Will probably buy a drawing pad tomorrow so I can make the potraits and have the comic in the big pad.
Yup. That's about it for today, kittens. Like the Chinese say: you can always do better.
Gotta keep movin'

And Sunday will be devoted to drawing and studyin, as will Monday. This is a good schedule, no?
I am the builder of walls (of text).

So, got two new pics up. Drawings. Whatever. One I'd been sitting on for a few weeks (months?) and the other was sort of half-finished so I fixed it yesterday before school. Got the urge to draw a Sinatra portrait, then realized I had some tuts to check out, then I realized I have almost no papers left. I'm going to finish some portrait(s?) for a friend before I do anything else, though. I have some in mind, but drawings, much like stories, never really turn out as planned. Sometimes for the better, though. Anyway.
Since I finished pt 1, I'm going to sketch out the pages in a notebook or something, fix some mistakes most probably - ''There is no such thing as a perfect page'' - then get to drawing it today, hopefully. I'm saving the A4 papers for the portraits, but if those turn out to be crap I'll just somehow fit them all on an A3 without it looking weird. Before any of this, though, there's some Chinese I've got to study.
Zaoshang hao! Wo jiao Hanna. Ni jiao shenme mingzi? Or something or other. And no, I don't have the proper accents on my keyboard. Look, I'm learning, alright? What I should practice is... well, several pages, actually. But we have one more week on chapter 1, so I think it'll be... fine? Well? Ah, we'll see. Point is.... Point is study now, then draw, then draw more.
It'd be nice if I could stop positioning myself next to besserwissers all the damn time, though. I get it, you probably just want to help, but I prefer learning from the actual teacher because, surprise, your pronounciation isn't very good either. I don't care if you can pronounce this particular thing very well. I know how to do it, okay? I'm not deaf. If I had one skill, it was ''hearing and learning''. I don't care if you're the Master of Linguistics. I barely appreciate friends correcting me (and I know they do it out of love), and I do not appreciate it from strangers. Okay? And why are you only ever correcting me and not the other one who can't pronounce, well, almost anything? Why me and only one sound? It's just... very unclassy. You're not my teacher. I already have a pronounciation / practical usage class, I'll learn there. I'll learn from any other way but from you. Thank you, that is all. /end rant
I keep thinking Nightwing came out the 9th when it really comes out, like, 23d, so I keep disappointing myself. I think YJ ep 11 comes out then as well. Hehehheeeeeee. Kind of sad I'll have to wait until October for the #1 issues I could not buy in store to be released digitally, but oh well. I just really want to read those so I can find out which titles I want to subscribe to. DCnU is turning out to be popular. Maybe a little too popular. I guess, worst case, I can just subscribe to some titles, buy the rest digitally (and be a month behind everyone else) and then buy the TPBs for the ones I want ''in the flesh''. Rambling again. Uhhhhhhhhh yeah. It does seem like I may be able to get the most important titles, if not as a subscription, as least in flesh. Hmm. Oh well.

Hello, again.

A character of something I was intending to post at first, then changed my mind and decided it would be stored for later purposes. And uhm. A very... terrible way to use a marker, hahaha. But one learns, I hope.
Ah, yes, time for an update, I suppose. It's been quiet here because I've not been up to anything creative lately. This new schedule of mine is a bit of weird change for me; being used to being up at 6 am and being in school during the day and doing other stuff at night and suddenly school is at 6 pm is kind of weird. I prefer having the must-do early in the day so I can ''get it over with'' and then know the rest of the day is open.
Having the must-do at the end of the day just makes me feel stressed to get things done in the day because I have a certain time to meet. Eh, habit, I guess? Unless the next course is during the day. In which case I'd have to get a night job. Ah. People tell me to stop thinking so much about tomorrow and focus more on today. As I prefer planning the days out, with several back-up plans, it's kind of hard to just let ''the chips fall where they may''. I guess there's not much point to sitting here, fretting about it anyway.
But yes. New schedule, getting home close to midnight, 4 hours of commuting... it adds up and I'm easily fatigued. I rarely do much else than study and dilly-dally around the internet. I've been away at a friend's house too, so there's that. And then I had to finish the script before I could actually draw anything and with my computer being so slow I've been reluctant to colour anything.
Drawing ''regular'' pieces felt like something I shouldn't do when I could be drawing actual comics. But uhm. I finished pt 1 of the script! Asked a friend to look it over and hope things will be going soon. I made up the 1 hour a day rule - 1 hour study, 1 hour looking for jobs, 1 hour drawing / writing - but uhm. Discipline? Eh. Anyway, the goal is 7 pages a week whenever I have the time. I'm trying to train myself not to be so goddamn lazy. Beh. What was my point?
So. What's afoot? I dunno. I have a bunch of ideas but little time energy? but hopefully things will get going. Got two pictures in the making, one I should send to Kellie so she can put it on the site, got some portraits to do and uh, drawing AJ pt 1. I am running out of blank pages to draw on. Uhhh. Not much to say, really. I have stained my textbook three times with coffee. Three hours until my bus leaves. I should do something.
Oooh, and my sister-in-law linked me this:
This looks too awesome. I waaaaant ooooneeeeee. Heh. Time to find a job, then. But really, if this thing works as good as it looks, think of how much time saved. Suddenly my subway doodling could actually become some real subway drawing.
My DCnU list
Apparently I had the date wrong on Nightwing. Soooooooooob! Anyway. HERE'S my list. Most of these are just a ''seeing what's up'' thing, but the more that turn out good enough for me to buy, the better. I was very skeptical about the relaunch at first but now I'm just getting so excited! I hope Lyle Norg shows up in LoSH, though.
Oh, well! Here's the list I'm going to hunt down this week. Placing some pre-orders or something.
Slowly, slooowly

Haven't updated in a while, I know, I know. Been a lot this week, gotten home very late, fallen asleep early and studied quite a bit. Not pleased with how little creative things I've gotten done. I figured I'd make a schedule or something. Maybe write during the day tomorrow and get pt. 1 done, then draw a minimum of 7 pages a week.
Anyway, I dunno if I'll get anything done today. I'm really tired and have to commute 4 hours and will get home around 23.00 so. Probably just roll around the internet and pass out in bed.
I'm a bit uncertain of what to do with TGFP, so I figured I'd finish AJ and then see what I wanna do with TGFP. Other than that, had a new idea. Good thing with commuting 4 hours is it leaves me a lot of time to think!
Anyway, it's September! Anyone else excited? JLA #1's been released and 9th will be the day that Nightwing #1 hits shelves! Think I'll drag someone with me to Gamla Stan this week and go see if some store is going to take in the monthly titles of the DCnU.
My list so far is:
1. Nightwing
2. Deathstroke
3. JLI
4. JLD
5. JLA
6. Suicide Squad
7. Voodoo
I dunno if I should take a look at Teen Titans. There are other titles I remember wanting to check out, but I can't remember all 52 titles. I'll return with a more complete list tonight. Not that anyone cares.
Also, check out the drawing table! I've been wanting this for four years but I never found it again at IKEA. Now I found it by some more thorough gooling. It's adjustable and got a built in sort-of-light-box-except-without-the-light. Also has holders for pencils and stuff. DO WANT.
Anyway. I need to put on pants.
See you!