oh, hey, my blog
Oh, gosh, I thought November was busy. Turns out December is worse! January will probably also be packed. Working on the cosplay, working in general, drawing, writing, reading. Watching the X-Files. I should make a system. Ugh. Tired.
Waiting for my awesome Inkling which I got for awesome Christmas because my family is awesome and I'm excited because it's awesome.
and further such progress
also fabric. and other stuff but my comp is slow so yeah.
Short update because fuck dang, this internet is slow.
So I've been working on this:
So my fingers look like this:
and stuff
I ordered the vest, the wig and bid on the gloves today! Yaaaaay! Cosplay progress! And tomorrow, or the day after depending on how reluctant to meet the outside world I feel, I'll go buy some stuff for the glove thingies, belt and mask. Then week after I'm gonna go and buy the rest of the fabric. WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM
Also, I'm a total fucking idiot who forgot to apply for the spring semester! Fuck yes, shit for brains!
Let's hope I don't completely fuck up my finals tomorrow and then I can spend the spring trying to suck less at stuff and then in the fall study again.
My next goal is to become a responsible adult and skilled person overall. I dunno. Just. Just sucking less and being less of an idiot would be nice. I'll make that my 2012 goal or whatever.
sewing and such
so I'm doing pretty well on the tunic, just gonna sew it together and later on do the R, I think I may use the same båack fabric on the cloak as i have some left. typing on phone, hence fuckery.
then asap order wig n boob thing n gloves(?) go look atsecond hand for boots. buy craft foam at same time. tiny bags + mask n fabric. rly just buy all buyable stuff at same time, like any time before weekend.
then make gloves + belt + mask, hopefully before christmas. sew cloak n pants. goal is to do the crafty things before 20th.
what worries me is the boots. hmm. gonna.make a list, decide on a day, buy the stuff. then do one thing st s time, i guess. optimistic deadline is 20th. optional deadline 30th.
go go!
School related, but whatever.
Good news is Translation & Interpretation only takes 1,5 years. Bad news is it is required to have 60 hp in the language of your choice. Otherwise I thought I could've become a translator and worked with that while studying mandarin, but surprise, I don't have 60 hp in English. Fuck. I'm just going to get so bored studying the same thing.
Anyway I was thinking, if I pass my stupid exams, I'd have introductory course II for spring along with French. Then another fall, maybe, the big fish and another introductory course. (And if they won't hold the course then but later, I could study something else in the meantime or give myself some time off.) Then maybe I'd go abroad one summer to study a bit. Then study for like 2,5 years more. I'd be like, 25, and have studied for 6 years. Oh dear god. Approx.
Maybe I can squeeze some beginner's courses into there. Dutch, Arabic? French and German during the summers? I could make it my annual thing to go on a linguistic journey each summer. I wonder if there are any summer courses. Then take a break and just work for a few years, then if I feel like it, continue my studies. People do it all the time, don't they? I mean, it's like having any other hobby, except I can make money off of mine.
So basically I'll be in school forever and ever. But as long as I can work on the side, I guess. Yeah. Okay. Hell, I have teachers who still go to school. It's fun! It's fun, fun, fun. Either if you study part time, or if you freelance / have a very flexible job. It works.
If only there was time to study some philosophy, too. Sigh. OH, WELL. THIS IS THE PLAN, FELLAS. Now excuse me while I go have another existential crisis.
haven't used charcoal since high school
So naturally my charc drawing skills are still on a high school level. I... like the bunny, though.
I splurged. I really do feel like a child owning tools it does not know what to do with. But I'll learn, or whatever. Also, why's it always manga? Why not just write sequential art or for comic art or whatever. It's less excluding. All comic art isn't manga, but all manga can be considered comic art. Jeeeez.
Though this is what I should be focusing on.
But, you know. Whatever.
I did it
Said I'd do it and I did it. I finally finished the strip after what must be almost 19 hours.
If this looks like crap I don't think I have it in me to really care at the moment. Right now I just want to go to bed. LOL NO WORK TO BE AT.
Now if I just fix Odessa I'll be done. Holy hell, I feel insane.
The strip my computer tried to kill.
Uhm. That's an explosion. Just FYI. Also clouds first panel. /lolwhatisthisevenIdon't