
Lot going on, hence my lack of updates. Ya'd think that's when I'd update the most but I kinda got distracted. Working on a cosplay again, right now making a mask for it. Have to go buy some more white paint though, I dunno. We'll see. Papier Maché is not a kind mistress.

Other'n that I've been working on my project SW (character ^) and uuuh. Got 9 pages so far, so, yay, me! I like it, more than I like my other stuff, anyway. Working out some issues with the story, making reference sheets and thinking of making a cardboard miniature of some city areas. Ah. I feel good about it, though. Need a new name for it.
I started painting again. Water colours this time. Going better each painting. I really like the soft serenity of water colours. Subtle and kind of dreamy, in a way.

WIP, but I'm liking how it's turning out so far.
So, to be concise: I am working on one web comic, I have started painting, I am making a mask for my Cheshire cosplay and I'm going to Uppsala Comix convention on my birthday. I'm also discussing a redesign of the website with Kellie! So that's exciting. Stuff happening! Hope I can get some stuff done soon.
Excited to see my old comic book art teacher on Sunday. Bought some books on drawing and design. That's pretty much it. Time to apply for Uni very soon.

And my favourite comic book couple got engaged! Yaaaaaaaay! Celebratory doodle!
That's about it from Bear Fighter Land right now.
Have a great one, folks.